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Related article: and pleasure. He had a special preference Purchase Sotalol for his " sporting *' pupils, and a "fiver" was the usual fee for an hour a day's cramming for an examination to the favoured few I As a don of his college he had to keep up a 'semblance of dignity as occasion required it. The only time he expostulated with me was once when, in a hurry, I went for my " hour ** in a red coat. I had often gone in breeches and boots, but the red coat brought forth, ** Come, come, you really mustn't come again like this." To early morning chapel I have been in hunting togs, covered with the sober coverings of everyday life, when the meet was a far-off one. Once I had to leave chapel in the middle of the service as my nose was bleeding. Immediately after the service I was** sent for." I heard afterwards that I was sus- pected of having tried a ** plant," but it was a base libel, as my an- swer to the summons proved ; but they thought they had caught me! Half days with hounds are not satisfactory ; either you have to leave just as the best sport is commencing, or else after starting in the middle of the day you fail to find hounds at all. The alter- native, of course, was ** larking "; but farmers, notwithstanding all their proverbial good nature, ob- jected to their hurdles and fences being smashed more than once and away, and a climax arrived when a party of us were fired on by an exasperated agriculturist , the shots whizzing in far too near a proximity to my ears. A council of war was held in my rooms. I reminded the company that there had been an ** Oxford University Drag," a well-known picture of one of the best-known runs, hung in many a college room, a promi- nent portrait in the scene being that of ** Jemmy" Allgood nego- tiating Waterperry brook. (The Rev. James Allgood succeeded his brother, and is now Squire of Nun wick in Northumberland.) The idea caught on. A formal meeting was called, and I had the honour of being elected the first master and huntsman of the re- vived pack of draghounds. If I remember rightly, this was before we ** went down " for the long vacation, and the whole thing was left to me to get into shape before the October term. Unsatisfied Umpires. One of the features of the cricket season of 1900 has been the action of James Phillips, the Anglo- Australian umpire, with regard to the question of no -balling the deliveries of bowlers of whose absolute fairness he has not been satisfied. It will be remembered that in October, 1899, *^® ^"" thorities extended the power of calling no-ball to both umpires, and Law 48, as revised, reads as follows : — ** If either umpire be not satisfied of the absolute fairness of the delivery of Buy Sotalol Online any ball, he shall call no- ball." Thus the umpire who was in Purchase Sotalol Online days anterior to the revision of this law for the time, so to speak, **off duty," and standing at square leg, has now an important voice in the question of fair bowling, and since he has the advantage of being able to concentrate his attention entirely I900.] UNSATISFIED UMPIRES. 253 upon the arm -work of the bowler, free from the handicap which is imposed upon the umpire at the bowler's end of looking both at the bowler's feet and the bowling crease at the moment the ball is delivered, it would seem that the square-leg umpire has perhaps the best opportunity of judging of the fairness of the delivery of this or that bowler. It is cer- tainly astonishing that through all the years Buy Sotalol during which cricket has survived the perils of its own legislation this simple law should never have come into operation before. Although there have always flourished of late years some bowlers whose delivery has been openly and to a great extent adversely criticised by the crick- eters who played with and against them — more regularly, of course, by the latter — there have been singularly few instances of their being no-balled, and that despite the fact that the law was years ago specially adjusted by the Marylebone Cricket Club to impose upon the umpire the duty of calling no-ball, not because he felt convinced that the delivery was an unfair one, but because he " was not satisfied of the absolute fairness of the delivery Order Sotalol of any ball." Now this Law 48 is an ex- tremely powerful instrument, and like all extremely powerful instru- ments, is an extremely dangerous one, for it gives to either umpire in any match the absolute au- thority to stop, by his own despotic determination, the bowl- ing of any person bowling in the match. The fate of the bowler depends not upon his being con- victed of throwing or jerking, but simply upon the action of any umpire who will frame an indict- ment against him charging the bowler with the offence or not satisfying the umpire as to the absolute fairness of his delivery. Here is a law giving absolute power to any umpire to charge and sentence and execute any bowler who may come under his supervision, and this without there being any sort of remedy or op- portunity of raising a defence on behalf of the accused, who can be stopped from bowling another ball in the match in which he has been brought to book, and has to spend the remainder of bis days under the cloud of suspicion and the disgrace of having been pub- licly no-balled without any possi- bility of being reinstated on appeal. In drawing attention to this aspect of the law, we in no way desire to express any opinion against the merits of the law as it stands, for it is an interesting law, and owes its origin to the loose ethics of the umpires of the day preceding its birth ; at a time when some bowlers satisfied no one of their absolute fairness, ex- cept, indeed, the umpires, and the umpires, desirous enough of avoiding any trouble, would tole- rate almost any delivery rather than face the bother of calling no-ball and attempting to main- tain, to the dissatisfaction of the culprit and his supporters, that he was obviously possessed of an unfair delivery. By altering the law so as to give power to the umpire to no- ball any delivery of which he had the slightest doubt, a great chance was given Order Sotalol Online to those Generic Sotalol guardians of law and order to do their duty and stop, at any rate, the more flagrant offenders ; but actually little was done in this way. In the early days of the reformation umpires were shy of